Let me learn now where Beauty is;…/I was born to know her mysteries”
-- “Questing”

There are gardeners of every shape and size, of every inclination. When the romance between the gardener and the garden begins is individual. It could begin as a child when given a handful of seeds to plant, to watch and to discover the miracle of a garden.

“Your garden at dusk/ Is the soul of love/Blurred in its beauty and softly caressing;/I, gently darling/This sweetest confessing, Say your garden at dusk/ Is your soul,/My Love.”
--“He Said”

The love can begin by noticing a blossom, wanting to know what it is, what its name is.
It can begin by a fragrance wafting in the wind and wanting to surround with that scent at all times.

“I have special sitting and looking places in my garden, where I can absorb colors and shapes, the masses, and textures. Then I can create in my imagination new pictures, new combinations”
--Rosemary Verey

a tea break using my Homer Laughlin teacup and saucer - a perusal of a few of the
April Victoria magazines and I am restored to play in the garden once more

Whatever it is, the romance can begin softly or in a whirlwind  - but it definitely grows as the gardener comes to know herself/himself more and to know and to understand one’s garden more.

“Gardening is either your joy and your passion, or you can’t do it. The whole idea is to be part of it. It’s a commitment to your property, and you want it to be wonderful”.
--Pauline Runkle (Victoria April 1996)

As time goes by, the love develops into familiarity, to a knowing, to a secret language and a deep passion.

Life and love began in the first garden and is nurtured in the heart and in the soul of a gardener.

“In April, May, and the first two weeks of June, I live and breathe gardening. And the rest of the year, I’m snipping, pruning, and tidying up!”
---Rita Sullivan Smith (Victoria April 1998)

One such gardener, blogger and dear friend is our own Carolyn Aiken, blog - Aiken House and Garden. Carolyn's photos can be found in the current issue of Romantic Home magazine. I am thrilled to see and to recognize the romantic photos taken by Carolyn. 

pictured Romantic Homes Magazine Mother's Day issue 2012 along with almond
cookies, tea and a rose from each bush that is blooming today at A Delightsome Life
I have always wanted to visit Prince Edward Island being a long-time fan of Anne of Green Gables story and have all the more since becoming acquainted with Carolyn and with Sandi - Rose Chintz Cottage, true Kindred Spirits. Perhaps someday. Until then, I look forward to visiting their glorious blogs.