There’s a light rain outdoors as I stepped out with the cats
 to see what is going on in the garden.

I noticed our two, very large rosemary bushes at the front were filled with blooms. These are the first since the extreme pruning I gave them last year.

The Hellebores are filling up with their shy, but gorgeous blossoms.

One by one, the daffodils are bringing drops of sunshine here and there in our garden.

Still blooming, the fragrant, star-like Narcissus are shining brightly.

With our unseasonable warm weather, I have early chores to do – weeding! But, it gets me closer to the ground, closer to the soil and to the budding flowers that I so look forward to each year.

Oh, how marvelous it is to share in the beauty God creates –
 for his glory and for our appreciation.