We really have not had a proper winter. There have been a few cold days, but for the most part it has been quite mild.

Yesterday, our groundhog Beauregard Lee did not see his shadow and predicted an early spring. Punxsutawny Phil saw his shadow and predicted six more weeks until spring. A divided prediction, a divided country. This has been how our weather has been.

There is definitely a breath of spring in my garden. The daffodils are multiplying along with the hellebore, the snowdrops and the iris.
In my travels I have seen saucer magnolia in bloom, forsythia and quince.

It is actually warmer outside than in my drafty old house! We had someone come to discuss replacement windows last night. We’ve never counted and he shared with us that we have 38 windows. I have never been in favor of changing over, but my husband is looking at the bottom line. Well, now he has come to my side – the cost would be exorbitant. Not worth it.

The old wood windows stay.

I have a lot of work to do indoors and out, but I wanted to take a moment to share this breath of spring where ever you are.