Not Wanting to Miss the Blessings
It is very, very hot outside, not to mention dry. My poor garden is showing the affects. Last week my dear husband provided four truckloads of mulch for me to spread on my garden. I worked very hard to get it spread and to clean some of the weeds and dead head some of the flowers.
I would so love to be able to enjoy my garden more, but the heat seems prohibitive.
However, this morning, it is pleasant and the birds are singing. If I recall the whole times, the birds have been singing.
That’s a blessing.
The Resurrection Lily.
The thin grayish green leaves die back in early summer. Then as if coming out of no where the thick stem appears and four to seven blooms can be produced.
This delighsome flower, in the amaryllis family, is a funnel shaped, rose-pink flower that is tinged with lilac coloring at the tips of its petals.
This flower made me pause and think. My garden is a gift to me – always giving its best. I am so grateful. I have spent time lately wishing I lived in a more temperate environment where I could enjoy the beauty of certain flowers I can’t grow here.
If I hadn’t taken the time to enjoy the garden in my early morning walk, I may have missed this beautiful blessing.
I don’t want to miss a thing and want to be thankful for where I am and what I have.
Thank you, God for your blessings that keep flowing..