
The Garden at dusk and at dawn

are my favorite times to visit, to be enchanted and to dream. 

As the days begin to be more summer-like – the mid-day heat and humidity are difficult for both myself and my flowers. 

Around 3 p.m. the hydrangeas swoon – wilt a bit due to the heat – they quickly recover as the temperatures cool in the evening. 
They remind me of delicate, but strong Southern ladies.

May is a transition month – I deadheaded the first flush of snapdragons – these over-wintered beautifully and are giving once again in their brilliant blossoms. 

Most of the roses have spent their spring blooms – I now need to deadhead – clean them and prepare for those who have their second wind. 

Some are just beginning.

The daylilies are beginning to take center stage. Some of these were grown from seed – their temporal beauty needs to be appreciated each day – 

the blooms that flourished at dusk are expired at dawn giving way to new blossoms.

I dream about the way I want to see my garden – 
full and abundant with plant and blooms – 

The garden is so fluid – these lilies were a Mother’s day gift a few years back – they need a new home as they are stretching and reaching for sunshine in this somewhat shaded corner.

I couldn’t resist these sunny Million Bells when I visited a local shop ( a combination of farm equipment, hunting gear, gardening and automotive – a typical rural family owned business)

I planted morning glory to climb the rustic arbor we made last summer from trimmed Crape Myrtle branches – I am delighted by its whimsical shape  and its ability to showcase various treasures.