
When I think of a cottage garden, the first flower that comes to mind is the rose. This rose is my newest. My son gifted this to me last Christmas and it was planted in February. I am quite thrilled that it is growing so well and already producing roses. it is Pierre de Ronsard or Eden.

What cottage garden would be complete without one or two…
Or as in my case 42 – with 29 varieties.

I have been working on a garden plan to relocate and group
my garden better. The first flowers I mapped out were my roses. I discovered actually how many I had and the number of these roses that are
mystery roses.

I have several because much of these are pass-along and some of these were here when we moved in.
Out of the 29 varieties – 11 are a mystery to me.
So, I am going to play garden Nancy Drew.

I am going to photograph, examine 
each rose and attempt to identify them.

Three of the Mystery Roses are blooming now.
I just adore the soft pinky-peach color to this rose.
The small bush, with draping branches is quite full
of these blossoms.

Within this rose I find shades of pink, peach and yellow.

It has a lovely fragrance as well.

To me, this rose is so romantic.

aren't the droplets of dew enchanting! Like a string of pearls!

It has a lanky-rambling growth – it seems to send shoots underground. 

I love the multi-petaled rose with its
Deep rose color. It is full of buds now with just a few in bloom.

This rose, is quite delicate. It is susceptible to Powdery Mildew. 

I'll post more pictures of this one when the blooms open

It has clusters of tiny extremely multi-petaled roses. It appears to be a small climber.

Do any of these look familiar to you?